Home Musings On Creative Minds

On Creative Minds

written by robin

Creative minds are a blessing.  And a curse.

A creative mind is a scattered, jumbled, caldren of ideas- brewing, churning, boiling over at its best or smoldering at its worst.

Those with creative minds can appreciate how they work.

Ideas come at you with the speed of light, only to pass you by in a flash before total darkness sets in like a bad storm.

With creative minds, it is always ebbs and flows.

A creative minds best friend is pen and paper-always at the ready.  You never know when the flood gates will open.  And when they do- hold on tight, it's a bumpy ride!

A creative mind is sometimes a hot, disorganized, mess.  Scribbled notes litter my purse, my desk, my nightstand and house.

Daily, I scoop up these creative seeds of love and form a pile on my desk and start to sort through, trying to decide if any can sprout into something more.

Those snippits of text of leading you somewhere..or possibly nowhere.

Those small post-it notes, pieces of scrap paper, journal and notebook pages, often folded, dog-eared, torn, crumpled and in dissaray are not legible to any other naked eye.  Between the shorthand, scribbles, and scratches is sometimes the same idea written again and again.

Perhaps my creative mind forgot what it wrote?   

Creative minds work even in the deep of sleep.  Often times they are jolted awake by a dream, of something that sparked an idea.

Creative Minds take inspiration from many places and in many forms.

It could be a movie, a website, a dream, a conversation, a picture or a mundane task like a trip to the post office.  Or you could be standing at the kitchen slaving over a hot stove, only to run into the other room and scribble something down on paper, before it leaves you.

Creative minds can drift into space and stare blankly at the computer screen, while having two totally different experiences.

One, a productive, jumbled spinning machine about to crank out ideas or frustrated, writers grid lock.

From the outside looking in, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. 

It has taken me years to learn how to deal with my creative mind.  To understand how it works, and how it sometimes doesn't work.  How to harness it or let it have free reign.  How to ride the wave or weather the storm.

But, as many other things in life, it is a work in progress.  Everyday always brings something new. Life is never stagnant.

I look forward to what my creative mind has in store for me next!

So, do you have a creative mind?  When did you know?  What do you do with your ideas?  

And speaking of creative minds, Michelle over at Bleeding Espresso has one of the most creative minds I know.  She invited me to be a Guest Blogger for her today. I'd be a fool to say no, so head on over there this morning to read my post!


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