Home Musings Music Soothes the Travel Beast

Music Soothes the Travel Beast

written by robin

Travelers at Newark’s Liberty Airport were once again negatively impacted by a security breach on January 3, 2010. Apparently, a man who was observed walking down the wrong side of a checkpoint exit, forced Terminal C into lockdown. This stranded passengers for hours causing many of them to miss flights. Each and every person in the terminal had to be rescreened by airport security. Argh.

That might be the legal definition of a travel nightmare.

I can’t even imagine how I would have reacted. {I can, but my Mom always told me not to use that kind of foul language in public!}

I can go on and on here about the breach, how or why something like this could have happened or just how inept the TSA and airport security is these days.

But instead, I’d like to share a positive and refreshing moment that happened as a direct result of the mishap.

One man, by the name of Josh Wilson, proved that there can be the tiniest ray of sunshine peaking through those dark clouds. He picked up his acoustic guitar, and with his jovial smile and abundant enthusiasm led his fellow passengers in an impromptu rendition of Hey Jude, from the Beatles.

It’s an inspiring sight to behold. When you hear the crowds clapping and chanting “nah-nah-nah, naaaaaah” you know that just for a moment, those passengers weren’t focused on being herded like cattle or smooshed like sardines.  They were actually having fun!

They were creating a memorable moment. One that someone (thankfully and wisely) decided to videotape for all the world to see.

You can watch the video here:

And on a personal note, I think I’ll try to hunt Josh down. I’d like to pay him to be my travel companion in the future. Or better yet, perhaps the TSA should offer him a position. Keep him on hand at high-traffic airports rife with issues. At the rate the airline industry is going, it wouldn’t hurt to have him around in case of emergency.

I guess it’s true what they say. Music soothes the savage (travel) beast.  Even if only for a moment.



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