Home Montreal and Old Quebec Montreal: Notre Dame

Montreal: Notre Dame

written by robin


Another very French thing about Montreal was the architecture.  And as luck would have it, they also boast a Notre Dame Cathedral.


Though it is about three city blocks smaller and not quite as gargantuan, it is still beautiful, in its own right.


Especially at night.  And especially since while we were there, a special light and sound show called And Then There was Light was in progress.  The basillica is backlit at night with this stunning royal blue glow.


I love the shape of the windows, I love the shape of these streetlamps.


It looks so Old World to me.  In fact, when it was built in the late 1800's it was the largest church in North America.  Another noteworthy tidbit- the stained glass windows inside do not tell the story of the bible, but rather the history of Montreal religion.  


It is stunning during the daytime with its grand Gothic style and twin towers….but it's so cold and somehow not very inviting.


But, when darkness falls, the magic of moonlight and the glow from the streetlights combine to bring a golden hue over the facade.  Add the azure glow from within and somehow the scene becomes even more beautiful- more majestic.  More inviting.  More romantic.  More mysterious.

Which do you prefer?  Notre Dame by sunlight or moonlight?

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