Call them loggias, call them porticos or call them courtyards. Call them what you will. But hiding behind doorways of giant magnitude is sometimes a world unto its own.
By now, you should know that I have a fetish for doors. I have waxed poetic about them before. And I will soon do so again with my most recent Italian door pictures.
But sometimes, it is what is behind the doors that make my heart go aflutter.
I love walking along and seeing into these private little areas.
Sometimes, an automatic garage door opens and before your very eyes, you can see a car backing out and for a hot second, you get a sneak peek into a decorated courtyard.
I am always a sucker for decorative wrought iron gates and ornate dangling light fixtures.
How 'bout a closer look ?
The more ornate the better. I just love the pretty leaves on this gate. Simply stunning.
It feels a little sneaky, getting such an up close and personal look, especially when you aren't sure who is going to come out.
Other times, the doors remain wide open – almost as a welcoming gesture.
And though some interiors seem simple and bland..
It is what is peering out of the tiny notched opening that draws the eye in closer and makes you wish you could run up and touch it!
But perhaps my favorite is one that I could see myself coming home to everyday.
I think perhaps it is because of the dark and mysterious shadow of the motorcycle rider.
Or it could be the perfect combination of all the things I adore. The arches, columns, peeling paint, rows of lights and tons of wrought iron. And both natural and artificial light.
Which one could you see yourself coming home to every day?