Angels, cherubs, putti. To me they are all the same. I love them one and all.
Standing alone or adorning a larger piece, they always pull at my heartstrings.
My spirit renews when my gold Italian putti faces great me as I walk thru the door.
Their plump little tummies and round bottoms make me smile a mile wide.
Their poses make my heart sing.
Blush colored puckered lips and wings draw my mind to romance.
Don’t you just want to kiss her?
Graceful, innocent and magical. I delve with them into their fantasy land.
Fluttering, floating and flitting about.
I imagine them hovering over me in pairs, when I need them. When I am
sleeping, or when I need some music to enhance a romantic dinner.
My cherubs, my romantic guardian angels. It makes me happy, sharing
my home with them.
Photos: a collection of cherubs throughout my house