I Heart Flickr, 2. ❤, 3. Happy Valentine's Day, 4. love, 5. Art In Everything…, 6. Reflections of a peachy 😉, 7. purple heart, 8. Sparkly Hearts, 9. Purple Heart, 10. Love You, 11. WIP ♥ *, 12. Infatuate Me, 13. my purple heart, 14. hearts of glass, 15. Funky Purple Hearts – Design-a-day 5, 16. Put A Little Love In YOUR Heart, 17. Heart, 18. The Heart of the Matter, 19. Velvet Heart Beads, 20. Purple Heart
For my Mom, whose favorite color is purple. And all of those soldiers out there, who are fighting every day for our great country. And for my Uncle Georgie, who was shot in the leg on the beach in Normandy, France, but survived. He earned himself a purple heart!
Happy Love Thursday everyone!