Home Love Thursday Love Thursday | French Cheese

Love Thursday | French Cheese

written by robin


I have been on an Italian kick for a few weeks now.  But, this week,  I had a huge craving for French cheese.  Aka, fromage.  I remember how much I love it- and decided to dedicate a Love Thursday post to it!


Italy certainly has some simply fab cheese- Bufala Mozzarella, Pecorino Romano, Parmiggiano Reggiano.

But France.  France has hundreds of delicious cheeses.


Goat, Bucheron, Brie, Bleu, Gruyere, Camembert….just to name a few and scratch the surface.  Care to see a list?

General Charles de Gaulle was quoted as saying "How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?"  

I don't care as much about the governing, as much as I care about the cheese.  I would love to eat my way through the long list of each French cheese, before I die.  Or maybe I should say, I'd like to die trying.

Nothing is better than grabbing a selection from a Parisian cheese shop, stopping for your French baguette on the way, and plopping yourself down on the banks of the Seine in Paris to have your picnic.

A pungent, hard crottin of goat cheese.  A moldy, tangy bleu.  An ooey-gooey melt-in-your-mouth brie or a fresh and creamy fresh goat.

Oh, I love them all.  Never met a French cheese I didn't like!

How 'bout you?  What kind of French cheese do you love?

Happy Love Thursday everyone!


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