Well, since I get tired of hearing myself talk incessantly, I decided to get some help from my twitter friends,who are called *tweets*.
*Wear slip-on shoes to the airport. – Makes getting through security much easier & less of a hassle, & plus you don’t have to be frantic over keeping an eye on the conveyor for your laptop or other valuables while you’re scrambling to tie your shoes (standing up).
*Bring toothbrush/toothpaste on the plane. – Nowadays, you’ll have to make it a travel-friendly size, but you’d be amazed at what a simple tooth brushing can do for making you feel a little more refreshed after a flight (esp in coach!).
*Always remember to keep valuables – including jewelry, camera equipment, laptop – in your carry-on bag. And all prescription medications/glasses should stay with you and not be checked, either!
*If you don’t already own a money belt, get thyself one. Pronto. And use it. (Use it properly, I might add. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people wearin’ ’em like friggin’ fanny packs, OUTSIDE their clothing. Hu-LO?!?)
*Learn the following in the local language – the #s zero-10, plus 100 & 1000; hello; please; thank you; beautiful; delicious; toilet. You’ll be amazed at how far you can get with just that.
A big thank you and a big virtual hug to all my twitter friends for sharing their travel tips! As always, if you have a travel tip to share, just email me at mymelange (at) yahoo (dot) com!